Blogs Abdelhamid Mecheri Blogs Abdelhamid Mecheri

Connecting Stories: The Role of Memory Narratives in Promoting the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative in the Arab Region

This next instalment of blog pieces developed by participants at the Mapping Connections Institute presents an analysis of China's memory narratives and their role in supporting Sino-Arab diplomatic and economic initiatives. It is written by Abdelhamid Mecheri, a Lecturer at Boumerdes University (UMBB), Algeria

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Blogs Francesco Amoruso Blogs Francesco Amoruso

In the Middle East, the Old Is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born

Over the coming weeks, we will be presenting blogs written by participants at the Mapping Connections Institute, held in Beirut between 27-30 May 2024 as part of the Inter-Asia Partnership's (IAP) 'Inter-Asia Week'. The first of these explores the new regional dynamics of the Middle East in light of the war in Gaza and heightening US-China rivalries.

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Blogs Arang Keshavarzian Blogs Arang Keshavarzian

Beijing and Bazaars: Sino-Iranian Relations through Ethnographic Shadows

In an unassuming store deep in the heart of Tehran’s covered marketplace, or bazaar, I was chatting with an apprentice. Our conversation was focused on the growing role played by new kitchenware and glassware commercial hubs located outside the bazaar. The animated well-groomed man, who I assumed was in his early 20s, lacked experience, but was a willing interviewee. After a few minutes, however, he redirected our conversation away from my interest in the bazaar’s emerging wholesaling and retailing competitors to several bazaaris within the cavernous historic marketplace sourcing their wares from China.

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Blogs Sardar Aziz Blogs Sardar Aziz

Why Study China and Iraqi Kurdistan?

China is emerging as an important actor in the Middle East. The relationship is becoming more visible through goods, trade, infrastructure, diplomatic summits, and soft power. The literature on China and the Middle East is also expanding rapidly but is primarily focused on state-to-state or state-to-region (Middle East, MENA) relationships. Nevertheless, China’s relationship to the region is not limited to states or regions; in addition to these, China also cultivates and enhances its relationship with non-state actors, political parties, and civil societies.

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Blogs Laleh Khalili Blogs Laleh Khalili

China and the Gulf at COP27

The politics of COP27 ran along at least three separate tracks: First, there were the ministerial negotiations and meetings taking place in buildings with additional layers of security and all too frequently closed to the regular attendees. Second, there were the activists, NGO representatives and other state and international officials presenting on panels in the main part of the grounds and in the exhibition halls

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Blogs Jie Wang Blogs Jie Wang

Interview with calligrapher Mi Guangjiang

Haji Noor Deen Mi Guangjiang is an internationally renowned Arabic calligrapher. Born to a Hui Muslim family in 1964, he has been fond of Arabic calligraphy since a teenager, and received systematic and professional training in Egypt and Turkey. In 1997, Haji Noor Deen became the first Chinese Muslim to be awarded the Egyptian Certificate of Arabic Calligraphy and was admitted as a member of the Association of Egyptian Calligraphy

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Blogs Jie Wang Blogs Jie Wang

中国传统风格的阿拉伯书法 — 专访哈吉·努伦丁·米广江

1. 您在上世纪80年代开始学习阿拉伯书法。先是在中国,然后去到中东国家继续深造。您对阿拉伯书法的兴趣是如何开始的?


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