التمدد الصيني في الفضاء المغاربي عبر مبادرة الحزام والطريق: مشاريع البنية التحتية في الجزائر

In this Arabic language blog from the Mapping Connections Institute, Nassiba Tamma from the University of Boumerdes in Algeria explores China's infrastructure expansion in the Maghreb, with a particular focus on Algeria.

Nassiba Tamma is a PhD student in International Relations at the University of Boumerdes (UMBB), Algeria. She is pursuing her doctoral research on the impact of the Belt and Road Initiative in the Maghreb region. This blog was developed through discussions at the Mapping Connections Institute, held in Beirut between 27th – 30th May 2024 as part of the ‘Inter-Asia Week’ (Inter-Asia Partnership). The views expressed are the personal perspectives of the writer and not attributable to the Mapping Connections partner institutions.



الرحلات السياحية الصينية المنظمة بتونس: ارتفاع في الأعداد ومشاكل في الجدوى


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