Two new pieces published by Zaynab El Bernoussi

Mapping Connections Early Career Researcher, Zaynab El Bernoussi, has published two new pieces around her investigation of the global halal economy. The first of these is  co-authored with Najwa Belkziz and was published in Sada, an online journal rooted in Carnegie’s Middle East Program. Entitled 'China’s Burgeoning Halal Trade: Implications for the Arab World', the article examines China's expanded presence in the global halal economy, and the opening of new avenues for Sino-Arab cooperation and competition.

The second article was recently published in the Spring 2024 issue of the journal Critical Muslim. This paper explores select halal markets that have aspirations of becoming leading centres of halal certification. The expansion of the halal certification process in these countries presents a trend that is now increasingly observable in major regional markets of halal such as MENA, the EU and ASEAN, with the growing influence of China.


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